Part 34: 13:23-13:50: Supply-Side Economics
Chapter 34: 13:23-13:50: Supply-Side Economics![](1-001.jpg)
When last we left our cop, he was look, I dont actually have any idea whats happening to our boy Harrier right now.
ARIST: [Heroic: Failure] You should probably investigate? Edge closer to this anomaly, I guess. Oh, wait, what if its a black hole?!
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] If this was a black hole, youd already be dead. Or worse. But you definitely need more data. Get closer.
ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Are you getting richer just from proximity to this guy? Holy shit!
SAVOIR FAIRE: [Medium: Success] Id say we should stay as close to this guy as possible, but you know the taxmans gonna make it hurt.
ARIST: Your curiosity is winning out. You need to talk to this guy.
RHETORIC: [Medium: Success] Blech.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Somethings amiss. The light beams bend around his face and scatter in a thousand directions. It seems the laws of physics do not apply here. They are suspended, distorted, an echo.
VISUAL CALCULUS: [Impossible: Failure] Trying to visualize the physics at play is liable to give you an aneurysm. Dont think about it too hard!
Read you loud and clear, devs. No thinky. Understood.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Welcome! Come in, make yourself at home. Sorry Im not better able to receive youI wasnt expecting visitors today.
PERCEPTION (HEARING): [Trivial: Success] You cant *hear* him, exactly, yet youre able to understand every word he says. It is very strange. An overwhelming hum covers everythingvoice doesnt escape from him.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Who *am* I? Oh, I havent been asked that question for such a very long time. Theres genuine surprise in his voice. I dont meet a lot of people outside my circle these days
KIM KITSURAGI: Oh, nothing. Its just that weve got this *murder* to solve, and yet you go around asking everyone about *money*. And every time I ask Are you sure this is related to the case? You say, Sure, Kim. I think it is And yet it never seems to get us any closer to solving the case.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: The man chuckles. Its quite alright. Im used to the question by now. To be blunt, I inherited my fortune from my grandmother, who, herself, was an extremely high-net-worth individual back in Graad All I did was take her fortune and invest it prudently. Believe it or not, it takes more than a bit of skill not to blow a vast fortune on sailing boats, bad choices and *unsupervised* state policy.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: The man exhales with a whistle. I gotta tell you, at first, being rich is a lot of work. Youve got to work hard because everythings so darn expensive. You know, prices increase exponentially at this income level But then, once youve reached my position, its nearly impossible for me *not* to make money. My assets are so diversified that Im bound to come out ahead no matter what
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: *Dozens*, at least. Of course, in the future itll all be automated. But my point is this he says, jabbing his finger into the air a bit
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: It is, truly. Its almost entirely care free. He nods. It really leaves you time to better yourself spiritually.
ARIST: [Legendary: Failure] Oh, right. The whole light business. You were so entranced by all the *money* you forgot all about it.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Oh, *thats* what you mean. Yes, Ive heard of this effect, though Ive never witnessed it myself, of course. It has something to do with our Weiss-Wiesemann coefficient.
ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Weiss-Wiesemann coefficient for you and this individual appears to be
KIM KITSURAGI: I see nothing of the sort. To be frank, all I see is a gentleman whos unusually well-dressed for Martinaise. In a cargo container. Which, I admit, is odd.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Travelling! This is a great way to get aroundits fun, its safe, and it gives me lots of time to think
ARIST: [Legendary: Failure] You are too enamored to question any of those descriptorseven safe, which did puzzle you there for the briefest of moments.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Ah, Revachol. I remember walking its streets as a teenager. There used to be a bowling alley in Stell Maris I wonder if its still there?
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: There simply arent enough hours a day to hand out all the handouts. Its like feeding seagulls. There are always more, and they never seem to do anything interesting with itexcept more seagulls.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Smart, no? It also provides a means to hide from all the targeted advertising we extremely high-net-worth individuals are constantly subjected to
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Dont get me wrong: Theyre nice things, but once you achieve a certain level of wealth your time and mental space become *much* more important than material goods.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Its perfectly alright. Based on your appearance I can tell Im dealing with a smart man As you may know, us high-net-worth individuals do not has a lot of cash on hand. Investments and liquidity are enemies of one anotherI think I only have coins for coffee machines.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Thats the idea, my friend! Youve got to work for the rest. Maybe you can make that money grow? Come up with an investment plan? Hows that sound?
EMPATHY: [Challenging: Success] This is a proposal, not a question.
Not a good chance of having a good idea
And barely any better a chance of having a bad idea. Eh, fuck it. This should at least be funny.
...Huh. We failed at having a bad idea, so we had a good idea? That was totally the plan all along, yes! So smart, I am!
Its pretty embarrassing that the present a good plan by incompetently presenting a bad plan thing almost went full Springtime for Hitler here because we almost rolled *too well*.
ARIST: [Challenging: Success] What is it with Martinaise and youth centres???
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: A youth centre, huh? What *kind* of youth centre?"
EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] A place to teach them practical skills like teamwork and self-discipline.
RHETORIC [Easy: Success] Im disgusted with you.
ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Yeah, yeah, yeah, its betraying everything we stand for, yadda yadda, its gross, whatever. Shut up dude, were conning a capitalist!
CONCEPTUALIZATION: Youre deep into ultraliberal territory now. Good work.
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: I dont normally do this without a formal pitch deck, but to hell with it, whats the point of being rich if you have to follow all the rules?
ARIST: [Medium: Success] Its not, but whatever. Following through was never the goal. Oh, yes, give us those sweet, sweet dollarydoos!
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: Remember: its not a *handout*, its an investment. And I expect to see returns.
KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant stands there, dumbfounded. His mouth opens slightly, then closes again.
KIM KITSURAGI: No, I am *not* having a stroke. Youre just still full of surprises. Most of them bad, but some good
MEGA RICH LIGHT-BENDING GUY: The pleasure was mine. Unfortunately, I must be away soon. The next time we meet, Ill be expecting an update on my investment!
Well, that was something. Let us never speak of this again.